Snowy night in Blois. There was snow everywhere last night and I didn’t think many fans would come. We still had a good turnout even though the gym wasn’t sold out. The fans that did came did a great job. Last night we played against Evreux. This was an interesting game because our former point guard Jerrold Brooks now plays for Evreux. They came in the game winning there last four out of five games. Jerrold has been on a tear making everything he threw up. The game started great for us we got John going early so that’s always a plus for us. Charly and Flo was aggresive. Me and Assan was doing our parts. We pressured Jerrold the whole night and was very physical with him. He only finished with nine points at the end of the night. He had been averaging 22 since he joined Evreux so shoutout to the point guards. At the half we were only up one after being up ten points majority of the first half. Walker was a problem for us. Second half we came out and finished the deal. Personally I had a good game. In the second quarter I started feeling back pain again. Than in the third quarter I felt a strain on my groin while doing a spin move. So I got pretty beat up this game but I still played fairly good. Lille lost so we’re solely in second place alone now. Next game is on Saturday against Rouen hopefully I’m healed up to 100%.
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